It has always been a challenge for an insured to claim health insurance from the Health Insurance Companies for his or her treatment in the event he or she has not been admitted in the hospital for treatment for minimum 24 hours.
Since admission in the hospital for treatment for minimum 24 hours has been a pre-condition for settlement of claims by the Health Insurance Companies, dispute between the insured and the Health Insurance Companies has been mostly witnessed on this aspect as Insurance Companies rejects such claims where there has not been hospitalisation for 24 hours for treatment.
However recently a Vadodara consumer forum has held an Insurance Company to pay the claim to a Vadodara resident (insured) who had filed a consumer complaint in August 2017 since the Insurance Company above had rejected his claim on the same ground of hospitalization for less than 24 hours.
It was ruled by the forum that in the modern age new treatments and medicines has been developed, resulting in patients being treated in lesser time or even without hospitalization Since Health insurance is an important investment to protect oneself and family against unexpected medical expenses, the claims ought not to be rejected on the said ground by the Health Insurance Companies.
It may not be out of place to mention that the procedure for filing insurance claims has become comparatively challenging in the last few years and it is vital that the insured is well educated as to how to lodge a claim and get the same disbursed with an ease facilitated by the insurance companies.